Many of you ask about tools I recommend for correcting certain behaviors like barking and jumping. While training and consistent reinforcement are the best long term solutions, sometimes it is just best to have something to get the ball rolling, and the Pet Corrector does just that.

I try to always have one handy, whether it’s in my pocket, in the car, on the counter – or even all three!

What this little bottle does is to use compressed air to generate a noise that grabs the dog’s attention. It is best used in very short bursts, which will also help extend its useful life. In rare cases, I have even used the bottle on its side, or upside down, which produces a vapor mist at the same time – but I reserve that for times when it is absolutely necessary, like an aggressive dog that won’t back down and danger is either imminent, or in progress. There’s also a similar product that is specifically designed for that circumstance, which I also carry, but have (fortunately) never had to use.

Once you have used the pet corrector a few times, your dog will learn to recognize it on sight, so you will find yourself starting to be able to correct behavior by simply bringing the bottle out.

You can order these from Amazon, or pick them up from PetSmart. Once you have it, you may find yourself wanting to take it with you when you walk your dog, too, just in case someone else’s dog becomes an issue.

Now, if you have children, you can certainly teach them how to use it as well. Just beware – kids are, well, kids, so you may find yourself going through the bottles a little more quickly.

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